Friday, April 29, 2011

May 3rd and 5th

Read Chapters:

Tuesday- Chapters 3 and 4
Thursday- Chapters 5 and 6

Using evidence from the text to support your answer; What might Annemarie be thinking after her latest encounter with the Nazi soldiers?

Your Comment Should Include:

-First Name and Student #
-A Shared Inquiry Response, that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.
-Evidence from the text to support your answer.

Due Thursday by midnight.

Monday, April 25, 2011

April 25-29th

Reading Assignment
Tuesday Chapter 1
Thursday Chapter 2

Describe at least 2 characters from the story, using evidence from the text to support your answer.

Your Comment Should Include:

-First Name and Student #

-A Shared Inquiry Response, that is free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Due Thursday at midnight

Welcome to Number the Stars

Ten-year-old Annemarie and her best friend Ellen often think of life before the war. It's now 1943, and their life is filled with school, food shortages, and the Nazi soldiers marching through town. When the Jews are "relocated," Ellen moves in with Annemarie's family and pretends to be one of them, yet her life is still in danger.